On the positive, interior framing got going today, so I could physically walk through the structure and see rooms and hallways and nooks and they even asked me if I wanted to change the location of the door on my…

On the positive, interior framing got going today, so I could physically walk through the structure and see rooms and hallways and nooks and they even asked me if I wanted to change the location of the door on my…
There are eight or nine on the work crew and I’m sure they think one of two things as I’ve been staring at their work for hours the last two days: either that I fancy myself a building nanny, making…
This was my mood at the end of day 1 of farmhouse construction. I had planned champagne and a night at a local resort, but instead took the ferry back to Seattle and made myself a navy strength martini. Phil…
I can’t remember when I ordered this giant printed-on-glass blowup of the first cherry tomatoes I harvested on the farm; it was several years ago when we thought we’d have a building up within a few months and I planned…
We bought our property in 2014, but the story really began in 2009 when I spent an intensive week in Eastern Washington at Quillisascut Farmstead Cheese and School of the Domestic Arts. As a group of about 12 food professionals,…
Finally. After years of frustrating attempts, we have a foundation and an actual start date for the framing, siding, and window and door installation. When we got the call from DC Builders that they were going to be on location…
We’ve hired our first employees, Reuben and James, two young men whose commute involves a short walk from their home east of the farm. For some reason, having people on the payroll makes this endeavor seem more real, although we’re…
Phil and I are acting as the general contractor to get our Barn Home built. We didn’t start out with this as the plan; we had thought we’d have the company that sold us the kit do the building. But…
Yesterday marked the end of my 30-day abstinence from social media. Simultaneously, I had drastically curbed my consumption of cable news and texting. I say “the end” but it’s day 31 now and I have not gone back to mindlessly…
I asked Andrea if she’s growing Ranunculus on the farm and she sent me this photo; it’s a very large property and she adopted a high tunnel in the romantically named Island Field, away from the main vegetable and chicken…